To some extent life makes you face people who are quite sure about the life they are leading to… until you ask them. But ‘The Chapter Turns Black’….
Very simple…
Ask them few basic questions. .. all they have done till now…
Of course am not talking here any work… concluding the chapter will take some ages for them and then the realization comes… yes you are absolutely right… that.. It’s not late… start and see how you mark a change…. !
And this is not funny… ask yourself! You will not be up to the marks, you see yourself by now. So reevaluate and turn it to a milestone. You yourself will be surprised…
This must be sounding philosophical but, yea! Am trying to bell that corner which is dozed off and you are lost in the world you even do not belong to, because the booster is missing.
Don’t you feel that this is the time to have it!
Don’t you admire on something you do great and out of the box!
I believe that, it gives you an extraordinary feeling, when you see yourself on top of the world!
Don’t you smile when you see that happening! And then the battery is charged to take a new round!
Watching a movie gives different feeling and varies people to people… but you can not deny the fact that then you are totally awake that time and that booster is working! If not then why do you give comments and reach to a conclusion saying this would have been done this way… you do not have any rights! And if you feel yes then see, where is that 100%!
There is no judge… because you are yourself ‘The Supremo’.
Calculative self respect should be 100%. And I feel the generation we belong to, is gona work as the guide for the nurturing unborn.
Here is the question - the life we are leading is-
Mr. Judge, time to answer but be true to yourself.
JUDGE and JOINT the nodes that are kept separate.
We all have that +ve and -ve . All we need to do is turn the CIRCUIT ON!
Automatically the energy will flow. And it will take you to all the corners you have never peeped in.
There your all questions and complains about life will be solved.
Universe is infinity but where we survive is not even equal to a molecule.
So I just talked about that small part to make you feel and find out – 100%.
Very simple…
Ask them few basic questions. .. all they have done till now…
Of course am not talking here any work… concluding the chapter will take some ages for them and then the realization comes… yes you are absolutely right… that.. It’s not late… start and see how you mark a change…. !
And this is not funny… ask yourself! You will not be up to the marks, you see yourself by now. So reevaluate and turn it to a milestone. You yourself will be surprised…
This must be sounding philosophical but, yea! Am trying to bell that corner which is dozed off and you are lost in the world you even do not belong to, because the booster is missing.
Don’t you feel that this is the time to have it!
Don’t you admire on something you do great and out of the box!
I believe that, it gives you an extraordinary feeling, when you see yourself on top of the world!
Don’t you smile when you see that happening! And then the battery is charged to take a new round!
Watching a movie gives different feeling and varies people to people… but you can not deny the fact that then you are totally awake that time and that booster is working! If not then why do you give comments and reach to a conclusion saying this would have been done this way… you do not have any rights! And if you feel yes then see, where is that 100%!
There is no judge… because you are yourself ‘The Supremo’.
Calculative self respect should be 100%. And I feel the generation we belong to, is gona work as the guide for the nurturing unborn.
Here is the question - the life we are leading is-
Mr. Judge, time to answer but be true to yourself.
JUDGE and JOINT the nodes that are kept separate.
We all have that +ve and -ve . All we need to do is turn the CIRCUIT ON!
Automatically the energy will flow. And it will take you to all the corners you have never peeped in.
There your all questions and complains about life will be solved.
Universe is infinity but where we survive is not even equal to a molecule.
So I just talked about that small part to make you feel and find out – 100%.